Module @tonkeeper/tonconnect-ui-react

TON Connect UI React by Tonkeeper

This is a Tonkeeper-maintained fork of the official TonConnect UI React with additional features and improvements. While maintaining compatibility with the core TonConnect protocol.

Key Differences from Official TonConnect UI React

  • Ability to set primary wallet
  • Tonkeeper is installed by default


npm i @tonkeeper/tonconnect-ui-react

Official TonConnect Resources

If you don't use React for your dapp, take a look at TonConnect UI.

If you want to use TonConnect on the server side, you should use the TonConnect SDK.

You can find more details and the protocol specification in the docs.

Latest API documentation Demo dApp

Getting started


Add TonConnectUIProvider

Add TonConnectUIProvider to the root of the app. You can specify UI options using props. See all available options

All TonConnect UI hooks calls and <TonConnectButton /> component must be placed inside <TonConnectUIProvider>.

import { TonConnectUIProvider } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export function App() {
return (
<TonConnectUIProvider manifestUrl="https://<YOUR_APP_URL>/tonconnect-manifest.json">
{ /* Your app */ }

Add TonConnect Button

TonConnect Button is universal UI component for initializing connection. After wallet is connected it transforms to a wallet menu. It is recommended to place it in the top right corner of your app.

export const Header = () => {
return (
<span>My App with React UI</span>
<TonConnectButton />

You can add className and style props to the button as well. Note that you cannot pass child to the TonConnectButton. <TonConnectButton className="my-button-class" style={{ float: "right" }}/>

Use TonConnect UI hooks


Use it to get user's current ton wallet address. Pass boolean parameter isUserFriendly to choose format of the address. If wallet is not connected hook will return empty string.

import { useTonAddress } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export const Address = () => {
const userFriendlyAddress = useTonAddress();
const rawAddress = useTonAddress(false);

return (
address && (
<span>User-friendly address: {userFriendlyAddress}</span>
<span>Raw address: {rawAddress}</span>


Use it to get user's current ton wallet. If wallet is not connected hook will return null.

See all wallet's properties

Wallet interface WalletInfo interface

import { useTonWallet } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export const Wallet = () => {
const wallet = useTonWallet();

return (
wallet && (
<span>Connected wallet: {}</span>
<span>Device: {wallet.device.appName}</span>


Use this hook to access the functions for opening and closing the modal window. The hook returns an object with the current modal state and methods to open and close the modal.

import { useTonConnectModal } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export const ModalControl = () => {
const { state, open, close } = useTonConnectModal();

return (
<div>Modal state: {state?.status}</div>
<button onClick={open}>Open modal</button>
<button onClick={close}>Close modal</button>


Use it to get access to the TonConnectUI instance and UI options updating function.

See more about TonConnectUI instance methods

See more about setOptions function

import { Locales, useTonConnectUI } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export const Settings = () => {
const [tonConnectUI, setOptions] = useTonConnectUI();

const onLanguageChange = (lang: string) => {
setOptions({ language: lang as Locales });

const myTransaction = {
validUntil: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60, // 60 sec
messages: [
address: "EQBBJBB3HagsujBqVfqeDUPJ0kXjgTPLWPFFffuNXNiJL0aA",
amount: "20000000",
// stateInit: "base64bocblahblahblah==" // just for instance. Replace with your transaction initState or remove
address: "EQDmnxDMhId6v1Ofg_h5KR5coWlFG6e86Ro3pc7Tq4CA0-Jn",
amount: "60000000",
// payload: "base64bocblahblahblah==" // just for instance. Replace with your transaction payload or remove

return (
<button onClick={() => tonConnectUI.sendTransaction(myTransaction)}>
Send transaction

<select onChange={e => onLanguageChange(}>
<option value="en">en</option>
<option value="ru">ru</option>


Indicates current status of the connection restoring process. You can use it to detect when connection restoring process if finished.

import { useIsConnectionRestored } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export const EntrypointPage = () => {
const connectionRestored = useIsConnectionRestored();

if (!connectionRestored) {
return <Loader>Please wait...</Loader>;

return <MainPage />;

Add connect request parameters (ton_proof)

Use tonConnectUI.setConnectRequestParameters function to pass your connect request parameters.

This function takes one parameter:

Set state to 'loading' while you are waiting for the response from your backend. If user opens connect wallet modal at this moment, he will see a loader.

const [tonConnectUI] = useTonConnectUI();

state: 'loading'


Set state to 'ready' and define tonProof value. Passed parameter will be applied to the connect request (QR and universal link).

const [tonConnectUI] = useTonConnectUI();

state: 'ready',
value: {
tonProof: '<your-proof-payload>'


Remove loader if it was enabled via state: 'loading' (e.g. you received an error instead of a response from your backend). Connect request will be created without any additional parameters.

const [tonConnectUI] = useTonConnectUI();


You can call tonConnectUI.setConnectRequestParameters multiple times if your tonProof payload has bounded lifetime (e.g. you can refresh connect request parameters every 10 minutes).

const [tonConnectUI] = useTonConnectUI();

// enable ui loader
tonConnectUI.setConnectRequestParameters({ state: 'loading' });

// fetch you tonProofPayload from the backend
const tonProofPayload: string | null = await fetchTonProofPayloadFromBackend();

if (!tonProofPayload) {
// remove loader, connect request will be without any additional parameters
} else {
// add tonProof to the connect request
state: "ready",
value: { tonProof: tonProofPayload }

You can find ton_proof result in the wallet object when wallet will be connected:

import {useTonConnectUI} from "@tonconnect/ui-react";

const [tonConnectUI] = useTonConnectUI();

useEffect(() =>
tonConnectUI.onStatusChange(wallet => {
if (wallet.connectItems?.tonProof && 'proof' in wallet.connectItems.tonProof) {
checkProofInYourBackend(wallet.connectItems.tonProof.proof, wallet.account);
}), []);


Android Back Handler

If you encounter any issues with the Android back handler, such as modals not closing properly when the back button is pressed, or conflicts with history.pushState() if you are manually handling browser history in your application, you can disable the back handler by setting enableAndroidBackHandler to false:

import { TonConnectUIProvider } from '@tonconnect/ui-react';

export function App() {
return (
{ /* Your app */ }

This will disable the custom back button behavior on Android, and you can then handle the back button press manually in your application.

While we do not foresee any problems arising with the Android back handler, but if you find yourself needing to disable it due to an issue, please describe the problem in on GitHub Issues, so we can assist you further.

Animations not working

If you are experiencing issues with animations not working in your environment, it might be due to a lack of support for the Web Animations API. To resolve this issue, you can use the web-animations-js polyfill.

Using npm

To install the polyfill, run the following command:

npm install web-animations-js

Then, import the polyfill in your project:

import 'web-animations-js';

Using CDN

Alternatively, you can include the polyfill via CDN by adding the following script tag to your HTML:

<script src=""></script>

Both methods will provide a fallback implementation of the Web Animations API and should resolve the animation issues you are facing.

Warning about 'encoding' module in Next.js

If you are using Next.js and see a warning similar to the following:

 ⚠ ./node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js
Module not found: Can't resolve 'encoding' in '.../node_modules/node-fetch/lib'

Import trace for requested module:

Please note that this is just a warning and should not affect the functionality of your application. If you wish to suppress the warning, you have two options:

  1. (Recommended) Wait for us to remove the dependency on @tonconnect/isomorphic-fetch in future releases. This dependency will be removed when we drop support for Node.js versions below 18.

  2. (Optional) Install the encoding package, to resolve the warning:

npm install encoding




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